Winter Vacation HomeWork
subject : Islamiat
Date: 21 december 2015
Date: 21 december 2015
Task: Search about one of the four rightly guided Khalifas . Analyze his tenure of Khalifat. explore his contributions for Islam. Make a mind map ,mini-booklits or write a blog. Do add relevant pictures. You can take help from your Islamiat book or "The Sealed Nacter / Al Rahiqil Makhtoom.
The Four Rightly Guided Khalifas:
The Khalifas who truly followed the path of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) are called Rightly Guided Khalifas. they are the first four Khalifas of Islam:
Hazrat Abu Bakr
Hazrat Umar
Hzrat Usman
Hazrat Ali
Hazrat Abu Bakr (632- 634 A.D)
- Hazrat Abu Bakr was born in a noble and respectable Quraish family of Makkah.
- His father name was Usman, surnamed Abu Qahafa
- His mother name was Salma, surnamed Umm-ul-Khair.
- Hazrat Abu bakr, whose real name was Abdullah,one of the closest friend of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
- Before accepting Islam, he led a pious life.
- After the Holy Prophet had received his first revelation he thought of approaching those closest to him so he told Abu Bakr the whole story of his experience.
- Hazrat Abu Bakr quickly respond to his call and embrace Islam
- He was first free male adult and the first person of the outside family of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) to become a Muslim.
- The Qur’an describes his acceptance as: ‘’and he who comes with the truth and he who confirms it.....such are the people who do right’’ (39:33).
- He was the first person to testify to the Messenger’s event of Miraj (Prophet’s ascension to the heavens) and was given the title of ‘’Al Siddique’’ due to his immediate belief of the journey.
- After accepting Islam he devoted his life and wealth to preaching Islam.
- Abu Bakr’s acceptance proved to be a milestone in the prophet’s mission.
- Prominent companions like Usman, Talha and Zubair are said to have been persuaded by him to accept Islam.
- He bought and freed a lot of slaves, Bilal being one of the prominent one.
- When the Holy Prophet started preaching openly he faced fierce opposition.
- During all such hardships Abu Bakr stood by his side.
- The first public address of inviting people to offer allegiance to the Prophet’s message was delivered by Abu Bakr.
- At this the youth of Quraish beat Abu Bakr till he fainted.
- In 620AD when the Prophet’s wife died, Abu Bakr’s daughter Ayesha was engaged to the Prophet whom he married after his migration to Medina.
- In 622AD on the invitation from the Muslims of Medina, the Prophet ordered Muslims to migrate.
- The migration took place in batches and the Prophet was the last one to leave accompanied by Abu Bakr.
- Both remained in the cave of Saur for three days to hide from the Makkans who wanted to kill the Prophet and his companion.
- This event is mentioned in the Qur’an: ‘’he being the second of the two when they were in the cave’’ (9:40).
- At Medina Abu Bakr continued his services to Islam.
- He paid for the piece of land selected by the Holy Prophet for the mosque of the Prophet (Masjid-e-Nabvi).
- He rendered valuable services in all the battles.
- In the battle of Badr, he was in charge of the right wing of the troops and fought against his own son Abdur Rahman.
- In the battle of Uhad, he negated the rumour of the Prophet’s death and acted as a shield to save him.
- In the battle of Hunaian, he remained firm and reorganised the scattered troops that had started running away.
- When the Holy Prophet began to raise funds for the Tabuk expedition, Abu Bakr placed all his wealth at the disposal of the Holy Prophet.
- He was present at the time of the treaty of Hudaibiya and was one of the signatories. He was also one of the ten blessed companions who were given tidings of heaven during their lifetime.
- He was appointed the first Ameer-e-Hajj (the chief guide of pilgrimage). Abu Bakr led the daily prayers during the last days of the Holy Prophet’s illness.
- Finally it was Abu Bakr who normalised the critical situation arising out of the death of the Holy Prophet, as nobody was ready to believe this including Umar.
- Abu Bakr on this occasion recited these verses: ‘’Mohammad is no more than a messenger: many messengers that were before him passed away, if he died or were slain will you then turn back on your heels?’’ (3:144).
- Nobody led the funeral prayers of the Holy Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar were the first of worshippers.
- He was unanimously elected the first Caliph of Islam.
- Abu Bakr continued to perform meritorious services for Islam even after the death of the Holy Prophet.
- After the demise of the Holy Prophet many surrounding tribes of Medina which had offered allegiance to Islam, sent a deputation to Abu Bakr with the proposal that their agreement with the Muslims had ended.
- A fresh agreement was necessary in which they should be relieved from the obligation to pay Zakat. Abu Bakr argued that Zakat was a fundamental injunction of Islam and had to be paid.
- Seeing their proposal being rejected these tribes decided to forego Islam. Their decision was to attack Medina when the main Muslim army was in Syria.
- They attacked at night but found Abu Bakr with his army ready to fight.
- The apostates were defeated; many tribesmen died while others fled in confusion.
- After this battle many tribes sent their delegates to Medina, offered allegiance and paid Zakat.
- After the Prophet’s death, some of the people rose in revolt against the authorities in Medina and renounced Islam.
- Abu Bakr, without any delay, launched an expedition against this movement.
- After collecting the troops at Medina, he divided them into eleven battalions each with an experienced commander, and sent them in eleven different directions to crush these revolts.
- He instructed each commander to first invite these tribes to Islam. If any refused to comply they were to be attacked.
- Some of the tribes accepted Islam but the others were stubborn and were dealt with harshly.
- All campaigns were successful and Abu Bakr was able to re-establish control of Islam throughout the Peninsula.
- In the last days of the Prophet’s life some misguided people arose to claim prophet hood.
- When Abu Bakr was elected as the Caliph they started their preaching openly.
- Among these false prophets were Tulaiha, Aswad Ansi, Musailamah and Sajjah. Tulaiha belonged to the Banu Asad tribe in the northern Arabia.
- An army under Khalid bin Walid was sent which met them at Buzaka.
- After a fierce battle Tulaiha’s army surrendered and he himself fled to Syria. He embraced Islam during the time of the second Caliph.
- Aswad Ansi belonged to the Ansi tribe in Yemen.
- He was an ugly man who kept his face veiled all the time.
- He was nicknamed ‘’the veiled prophet’’.
- Being leader of his tribe he revolted with the cooperation of the neighbouring chiefs.
- He was the first false prophet who collected a large army in open revolt against Islam.
- He was defeated and killed by the Muslims.
- The most dangerous of the false prophets was Musalima.
- He belonged to a tribe of central Arabia.
- His tribe accepted him as a prophet.
- Abu Bakr sent Shurbhil and Ikramah to crush the rebellion; later Khalid bin Walid joined them. Musalima,s army was defeated after a fierce battle at Yamamah in 633AD.Musalimah was killed.
- In this battle about 800 Muslims were martyred. Amongst them were 360 Huffaz (memorizers of the Holy Qur’an).
- Sajjah was a woman who belonged to the Bani Tamim tribe.
- She claimed to be a prophetess and succeeded in mustering a large following.
- When Musalimah heard about her claim he invited her to Yamamah.
- They decided to join forces and later Musailma married her which ended her adventure of prophet hood and she lived in obscurity for the rest of her life.
- When the Muslims conquered Iraq she entered the circle of Islam along with her tribe.
- In the battle of Yamamah several Huffaz laid down their lives.
- Hazrat Umar approached Hazrat Abu Bakr about the compilation of the Holy Qur’ran.
- He was of the opinion that soon the preservation of the Qur’an will become a major problem owing to the deaths of the Huffaz.
- Abu Bakr did not agree in the beginning but was later convinced by Umar and he ordered the compilation of the Holy Book under the supervision of Zaid bin Sabit.
- At the time of the Prophet’s death no official copy of the Qur’an existed in a complete written form.
- During the caliphate of Abu Bakr some people declared themselves to be prophets. Among them was Musalima. Abu Bakr waged a war against him and around 360 companions laid down their lives in that battle, known as the battle of Yamamah.
- 70 of them had committed the Holy Qur’an to memory.
- Hazrat Umar realized that these ‘’oral copies’’ of the Qur’an would gradually diminish because of natural death or martyrdom in future battles.
- He suggested to Abu Bakr that the Qur’an should be compiled for the future generations or else it would meet the same fate as the previous scriptures.
- Hazrat Abu Bakr, however, hesitated and said that how could he do something that the Holy Prophet did not do.
- Hazrat Umar argued that under the circumstances this was an absolute necessity. According to Hazrat Abu Bakr, ‘’Umar went on persuading me to accept his suggestion till I was convinced that he was right so I accepted his suggestion.’’
- Abu Bakr directed Zaid bin Sabit, one of the scribes of the Qur’an, to collect the Quranic verses from every part of the Islamic empire and compile them in a book form.
- A commission was appointed and headed by Zaid bin Sabit and its members were a number of companions.
- Zaid collected the chapters of the Qur’an from every person who had it in their possession. He collected it from palm leaves, stones, and pieces of wood and people who had memorized it.
- He not only collected it, but also verified it from people who had heard it from the Holy Prophet.
- Though he himself was a Hafiz of the Qur’an, he always tried to find a verse in writing before including it in his manuscript.
- Zaid is reported to have said that he felt it would be far easier to carry a mountain on his head than to shoulder such a great responsibility.
- The script prepared by Zaid remained with the first Caliph and after his death was transferred to Hazrat Umar, the second Caliph.
- After Hazrat Umar’s death it was transferred to Hazrat Hafsa, a widow of the Holy Prophet and Umar’s daughter.
- This copy of the Qur’an came to be known as Musaf al-Hafsa i.e. Hafsa’s copy of the Holy Book.
- By the time of Usman’s Caliphate the Islamic state had expanded well beyond Arabia.
- The new converts of these areas recited the Qur’an in their own dialects.
- Disputes rose among these people and some of them insisted that their style of recitation was correct and the others were not.
- One of the companions of the Prophet approached the Caliph and told him about the possible danger of the division of the Ummah.
- Usman took immediate action and he declared that the Muslims should unite on a uniform way of recitation.
- He got the copy of the Qur’an from Hazrat Hafsa and gave it to a team of four companions which was headed by Zaid bin Sabit.
- It was decided that one standard version of the Qur’an would be written in the dialect of the tribe of the Quraish.
- The Holy prophet was from the Quraish, the Quran had been revealed in that dialect, and it was felt that this was the right dialect for the recitation of the Qur’an.
- This team made several copies from the original text and made sure the surahs, too, were arranged in order.
- The Qur’an was read out loudly from the beginning to the end in the Prophet’s mosque from these copies, so that not a shadow of doubt remained in anyone’s mind that changes had been introduced in the text.
- These copies were sent to the capital city of every province of the Muslim states with a teacher to teach how to recite the Qur’an properly and correctly.
- Instructions were also given that in the future, copies should be made only from the official text and that if anyone had a copy with a different text, it should be burnt.
- Hazrat Usman is known as the Jami-al-Quran which means that he brought the Muslims around to a uniform reading of the Quran.
- The Quran that is being read today is the same as in the time of Abu Bakr.
- Nothing has been added or deleted from it and the arrangement of the chapters and verses are in the same order as proclaimed by the Holy Prophet, in accordance with Divine instructions.
- Both were driven by different circumstances.
- Abu Bakr, being a staunch follower of the Prophet, was reluctant to compile the Quran but on Umar’s insistence, was convinced of doing so.
- He realized if the memorizers of the Quran were either killed or died naturally with the passage of time, a situation of confusion might arise throughout the Muslim world regarding the exact number of verses and surahs of the Quran.
- If the future generations of the Muslims had no single copy of the Quran, they might be misled as the Quran is the basis of all thought and action for the Muslims.
- Usman, likewise, faced another challenging situation.
- Several newly converted Muslims in non-Arab territories began to argue about the ways of recitation of the Quran.
- There was a danger of the growth of sects amongst Muslims regarding the way of recitation because every group insisted that their dialect was the correct one and the others were wrong.
- This meant that various groups might oppose each other and disunity amongst Muslims might threaten their fraternity.
- So Usman took a wise, timely action by compiling and standardising the Holy Book and burning all the copies which did not match the official and approved text.
- Abu Bakr is rightly called the saviour of Islam because of the vital services rendered by him. Soon after the Prophet’s death, he was the one to calm down the shocked Muslim community.
- Most of the companions including Umar were not ready to believe in the Prophet’s death. Abu Bakr on this occasion, delivered a convincing speech told all about the mortality of Mohammad by reciting: ‘’Mohammad is no more than a messenger: many messengers that were before him passed away, if he died or were slain will you then turn back on your heels?’’ (3:144).
- Later as a Caliph he suppressed the apostasy movement and thus preserved the fundamentals of Islam.
- False prophets challenged the second component of Shahada—‘’Mohammad is the final Messenger of God.’’ He defeated the false prophets and thus kept the unity of Islam.
- He fought and won against the tribes refusing to pay Zakat. By eradicating both, Abu Bakr defended the basic principles of Islam.
- Finally by compiling the Qur’an, Abu Bakr ensured the unity of the Muslim community that depended on the Qur’an.
- Prophet did not nominate a successor.
- After his death there was an argument between the ansar and mahajireen.
- Both wanted that the caliph should be from their group.
- A suggestion was given that there should be two caliphs, one from each group.
- Abu Bakr reminded them that the prophet instructed that the leader should be from the Quraish tribe.
- He suggested the names of Ubu Ubaidah bin Jarrah and Umar bin Khataab.
- But Umar took Abu Bakr’s hand and pledged his loyalty to him.
- On seeing this everyone did the same.
- He was unanimously elected the first Caliph.
- First free male to accept Islam.
- Believed in the ‘’miraj’’ (Prophets ascension to the heavens)
- Laid the foundation of a truly democratic state.
- Always took advice from the great companions of the Prophet in all important matters.
- Divided the state into provinces, each had a governor.
- The governor was responsible for military and administrative affairs.
- Governer had an ‘’amil’’ to collect taxes and ‘’qazi’’ to administer justice.
- All commanders and governors were selected on merit.
- He offered himself and his officers for strict accountability.
- He built a ‘’bait-ul-maal’’ (treasury) to collect revenue.
- Established military cantonments and maintained a reserve force.
- Expanded the Muslim Empire to Iran Syria and Rome.
- Ensured the safety of non-Muslim subjects and allowed them to perform their religious duties.
- His annual income was 6000 Dirhams which he returned to the state by issuing instructions to sell a piece of land he owned when he was on his death bed.
- Hazrat Umar:
- Hazrat Umar , son of Khattab , was born twelve or thirteen year after the birth of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
- Hazrat Umar and Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had a common ancestor.
- Hazrat Umar belong to the Banu Adi clan of Quraish.
- His father Al-Khatab was an influential leader of Makkah.
- Umar was tall, well built, a fierce fighter and well educated.
- He was elected the spokesperson of Quraish.
- He remained a bitter enemy of Islam and the Holy Prophet before his conversion.
- He treated the early converts of low origin quite mercilessly and according to a tradition the Holy Prophet had prayed to God for the conversion of Umar bin Khattab or Amr bin Hisham (Abu Jahal).
- The prayer was soon granted. Umar one day decided to kill the Holy Prophet and with that intention started towards his house with a sword.
- On the way, he was informed that his sister and her husband had embraced Islam. Infuriated, Umar changed his course and went to his sister’s house who was reading the Holy Qur’an loudly.
- This enraged Umar so much that he attacked her and her husband.
- On Umar’s insistence his sister recited some verses from Surah Taha.
- The words of the Holy Qur’an softened his heart and tears began to fall from his eyes and he immediately decided to embrace Islam.
- He approached the Holy Prophet and embraced Islam.
- This was a great occasion as the morale of the Muslims boosted so much that now they started offering prayers openly in the Kaabah after Umar took the bold step of entering the Kaabah with a small band of Muslims.
- The Holy Prophet was so pleased on hearing this that he gave him the title of ‘’Farooq’’ (one who distinguishes between truth and falsehood).
- He started preaching Islam openly and boldly.
- He is counted amongst the 10 blessed companions and is also a scribe of the Divine revelation.
- His daughter Hafsa was married to the Holy Prophet.
- He also migrated to Medina shortly after Ammar and Bilal had departed.
- It was Umar who gave the suggestion of summoning the believers for Daily prayers by Adhaan(call for prayer).
- He also rendered remarkable services in all the battles including Badr, Uhad, Trench, Khyber and Hunain.
- He was also present at the treaty of Hudaibiya and took part in Bait-e-Rizwan.
- He participated in the victorious march to Makkah.
- In the Tabuk expedition he donated half of his wealth and in the battle of Hunain, he was among those handfuls of Muslims who stood firmly by the side of the Holy Prophet.
- Umar was not ready to believe in the death of the Holy Prophet till Abu Bakr called him down by reciting the verse (3:144).
- Soon after, he started making arrangements for the Holy Prophet’s burial together with Abu Bakr.
- In the meantime they heard of an Ansar meeting to discuss the issue of succession.
- Both reached the spot and finally, due to Umar’s wisdom and timely intervention, Abu Bakr got elected as the first Caliph of Islam.
- Umar himself performed extra ordinary services for Islam during his Caliphate (634-644 AD).
- Fighting with the Persian Empire had begun during the rule of the previous Caliph.
- Muslim forces defeated the Persian in Namaraq in October 634 AD and crossed the Euphrates.
- The Persian supreme command then sent a huge force under Bahman.
- The two armies fought a fierce battle, the Battle of Bridge.
- Here the Muslims suffered heavy losses including their commander Abu Ubaid bin Zaid.
- The Muslims regrouped under Mutanna, in November 634 AD defeated the Persian army led by Mehran in the Battle of Buwaib.
- Commanding an army of 20,000 troops, Saad bin Abi Waqas met the Persian 120,000 army led by Rustam at Qadisiya.
- The Battle of Qadisiya thus began in 635 AD.
- A fierce battle was fought resulting in Rustam’s death.
- Now Saad and his army advanced to the Persian capital Al-Madain.
- He laid a siege for several days and the king Yazdigard escaped to north while the Muslims captured Al-Madain.
- The king was finally defeated at Jalula.
- In the meantime the Persians, Romans and Christian Arab tribes combined their forces in upper Iraq near Tekrit.
- Saad dispatched an army that defeated the joint forces.
- Saad, on Umar’s advice, founded the new cities Kufa and Basra near Madain for the Muslim armies and their families.
- Umar completed the final capture and subjugation of Persia in the Battle of Nihawand in 642 AD, marking the end of the Sassanid Dynasty in Persia.
- In Syria the Muslim forces were advancing rapidly when Umar became the Caliph. Khalid bin Waleed added Damacus, Jordan and Emmessa, one after another to the Muslim Empire. After the loss of these important cities the Roman Emperor sent an army of 260,000 men against the Muslims.
- This force too was defeated in 635 AD in the Battle of Yarmouk under the leadership of Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.
- Many other important Syrian towns were also captured leaving only Jerusalam and its surrounding towns.
- Finally Jerusalem was also taken in a peaceful manner on the request of Patriarch Sophronius
- He requested that the ‘king’ of Muslims should himself come and receive the keys of the city.
- Umar himself met Sophronius and signed a peace treaty under which full religious freedom was given to the citizens of Jerusalem on the condition of paying Jizya.
- Sanctity of the Church of Resurrection and other churches was also guaranteed.
- Finally Egypt was also conquered in 640 AD by Amr bin Al-Aas who had to persuade Umar with great difficulty.
- Amr bin Al-Aas argued that Egypt could be used by the Romans as the naval base to launch operations against the Muslims.
- By April 641 AD Babylon was also captured and the new city of Fustat was founded in 642 AD on the eastern bank of the Nile.
- Umar appointed able and efficient governors in all these conquered territories.
- Hazrat Umar framed the constitution of the State on the basis of democracy.
- He established a Majlis-e-Shoora consisting of prominent companions of the Holy Prophet from both Muhajirin and Ansaar.
- The Muslim Empire had grown tremendously in size and therefore it was inevitable (unavoidable) to divide it further into a greater number of provinces.
- Each province was governed by a governor or Wali who held the executive authority.
- The Wali was assisted by a number of officers e.g. the Treasury Officer, the Revenue Collector, the Vigilance Officer and the Judge (Qazi).
- Each province was divided into districts which were administered by Amils.
- All appointments were made in consultation with the Majlis-e-Shoora.
- All the officers were summoned to Makkah on the occasion of Hajj to be answerable to the Caliph.
- They were paid handsome salaries to make them incorruptible.
- The Caliph himself was the central authority with the headship of religious and non-religious departments but he would always consult the Shoora in all important matters.
- In order to uphold Islamic morals and maintain law and order, Umar set up a department of police (shurta).
- Umar reorganized the ‘bait-al-maal’ or public treasury, which was soon full to the brims with the funds from various sources.
- These sources were: Zakat, Jizya, Kharaj (land tax), Ushr (special land tax), the goods left out by the retreating armies of the enemy and a tax paid by non-Muslim traders.
- Special care was taken to distribute the funds among the poor and the disabled. Umar established a special department, the Diwan or the Register of Pensions.
- It was aimed at disbursement of the public funds among the Muslim tribes.
- It was based on certain principles, for example, the whole Ummah had a share in the public funds.
- Secondly, each Muslim had a share according to his/her relationship with the Prophet, priority in accepting Islam and services to Islam.
- Huge spending were made in the construction of mosques, schools, office buildings, canals, rest houses and expansion of the Haram and the mosque of the Prophet.
- Umar founded some new cities like Basrah and Kufa in Iraq and Fustat and Jizah in Egypt. Umar also introduced the Hijrah calendar. This makes a long list of the reforms and development projects introduced by Umar.
- Umar succeeded Abu Bakr as the second Caliph in 634/13AH and continued the mission of the first Caliph till his martyrdom in 644/23AH.
- Abu Bakr himself nominated him as his successor.
- His Caliphate is noted by internal consolidation (combine things into one large unit) of the Muslim empire accompanied by the expansion of Islamic rule by conquering the lands under the Persian and Byzantine Empires which included Iraq, Persia, Jerusalem and Egypt. His rule was surely the golden period in Muslim history after the death of the Holy Prophet.
- The conquest of Persia had been started during Abu Bakr’s Caliphate by the Muslim forces and finally Persia was totally defeated in 643 AD.
- As for conquests in Syria, the Muslim forces were advancing rapidly in Syria when Umar became Caliph.
- Khalid bin Waleed laid siege to Damascus till September 635AD and finally entered the city as victor and signed a peace treaty.
- After this Abu Ubaidah replaced Khalid as the chief commander of the Muslim army and recaptured Damascus decisively in September 636.
- Other important towns in Syria on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea were also captured. Only Jerusalem, Ramallah and Caesarea continued to resist.
- Finally Jerusalem was also taken in a peaceful manner on the request of Patriarch Sophronius.
- Umar himself met Sophronius and signed a peace treaty under which full religious freedom was given to the citizens of Jerusalem on the condition of paying Jizya.
- Sanctity of the Church of Resurrection and other churches was also guaranteed.
- Towards the end of 639AD, Amr bin Aas, with the permission of the Khalifa set from Jerusalem for Egypt.
- Egypt was conquered by his strategic planning.
- By April 641AD Babylon was also captured.
- Umar appointed able and efficient governors in all these conquered territories under his wonderful administrative system.
- Hazrat Umar framed the constitution of the State on the basis of democracy.
- He established a Majlis-e-Shoora consisting of prominent companions of the Holy Prophet from both Muhajirin and Ansaar.
- The Muslim Empire had grown tremendously in size and therefore it was inevitable (unavoidable) to divide it further into a greater number of provinces.
- Each province was governed by a governor or Wali who held the executive authority.
- The Wali was assisted by a number of officers e.g. the Treasury Officer, the Revenue Collector, the Vigilance Officer and the Judge (Qazi).
- Each province was divided into districts which were administered by Amils.
- All appointments were made in consultation with the Majlis-e-Shoora.
- All the officers were summoned to Makkah on the occasion of Hajj to be answerable to the Caliph.
- They were paid handsome salaries to make them incorruptible.
- The Caliph himself was the central authority with the headship of religious and non-religious departments but he would always consult the Shoora in all important matters.
- In order to uphold Islamic morals and maintain law and order, Umar set up a department of police (shurta).
- Umar reorganized the ‘bait-al-maal’ or public treasury, which was soon full to the brims with the funds from various sources.
- These sources were: Zakat, Jizya, Kharaj (land tax), Ushr (special land tax), the goods left out by the retreating armies of the enemy and a tax paid by non-Muslim traders.
- Special care was taken to distribute funds among the poor and the disabled. Umar established a special department, the Diwan or the Register of Pensions.
- It was aimed at disbursement of the public funds among the Muslim tribes.
3) (a) Trace the major stages in the compilation of the Qur’an in the time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs.
(b) Why did these Caliphs think it was important to make a compilation of the Qur’an?
ANS 3(a):
ANS 3(b): The two Caliphs performed remarkable services to Islam by compiling the Holy Quran.
- Nomination as Khalifa
- Hazrat Umar was the became second Khalifa of Islam after the death of Hazrat Abu Bakr in accordance with his will.
- All the eminents companions of Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) pledged allegiance to him.
- On assuming the Khalifat, he came to be known as Ameer-ul-Monieen.
- War With The Persian
- There were several causes that brought the Muslim into conflict with the Persian and ultimately led them to the conquest of Persia..
- When the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) sent an envoy to the court of Persia,the King, Khusro Parvez, insulted the envoy to the and thus brought about the displeasure of the Muslims.
- The Ammity of the Persians was further revealed in the rebellion of Baharian when they helped the enemy of the Muslims.
- Thus, the Persian proved dangerous to the state and the Muslims had to remain curious about their intentions.
- Geographically,Iraq, a province of the then Persian Empire, formed a natural part of Arbia.
- Iraq is a land of immense wealth due to flow of Euohrates and Tigris through it.
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